Monday Girl by Julie Johnson

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 The Monday Girl is the first book in The Girl Duet by Julie Johnson, it's a love triangle with a former childhood star that is gutwrenching and beautiful.
The Monday Girl by Julie Johnson
Series: The Girl Duet #1

Released December 6, 2016

Katharine Firestone is a bit of a mess.

Between an acting career that’s never quite made lift-off to stardom, a pathetic love life of online-dating-app losers, and a maxed-out balance on every one of her credit cards, things can’t get much worse. So, when she’s plucked from relative obscurity to land a lead role in Hollywood’s next big blockbuster, Kat is sure she’s finally on the right track.

Until she meets her co-star, Grayson Dunn… and all her plans are completely derailed.

Grayson is everything you’d expect the hottest actor alive to be — charming, disarming, and cocky as hell. As their characters slowly spiral into love on screen, Kat struggles to keep herself from falling for real. She knows handing Grayson her heart and expecting him not to break it would be the biggest mistake of her life. Yet the deeper she’s immersed in his glamorous world, the more blurred the boundaries between scripted affection and sincere passion become… and the harder it is to deny that their on-camera chemistry has crescendoed into a behind-the-scenes love affair…

What happens when you fall for someone who’s guaranteed to shatter you into pieces? Do you walk away? Or do you let him break you because, even broken, there’s simply no way you can’t stay?

This book review was highlighted in the Ultimate List of Best Romance Books According to Top Romance Book Bloggers.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Kat Firestone is my spirit animal!

I swear we are one in the same, she is jaded when it comes to love and dating. The rants she has in her head are so on point, I found myself wanting to say preach it, sister! I’ve been there. I’ve dated the ‘man child’. She just nails dating in the age of technology. She has never truly fallen in love.

“To those who would love me – I offer you a warning. Do no get to close. You won’s survive.” – Kat Firestone

You meet Wyatt Hastings, the director who discovered Kat, he is Hollywood royalty by blood. He is a happy, charismatic man that will pull you in. He is happy and a beacon of light.

“Choose sunshine, baby. Always choose sunshine”

You meet Grayson Dunn, the big action film star in Hollywood, who is a ‘faker’, who changes to be what those around you want him to be. He is the antithesis of Wyatt.

“Falling for a guy like Grayson Dunn is like trying to wait out a hurricane by taking shelter in the eye of the storm.”

This book was so well written, I felt what Kat felt, I was her and she was me. Her joy, her grief her heartbreak. When she fell I fell. I don’t even have all of the words to explain how much or why I enjoyed this book as much as I did. But I loved it and you need to read it.

“And, for a while, I’m happy. Obnoxiously happy. Disgustingly happy. Fall-asleep-with-a-grin-on-my-face happy. An then, quite abruptly… I’m not.”

This is a duet, and which means there is a cliffhanger but you can grab Someday Girl NOW!

“If I were a day in his schedule, I would undoubtedly be Monday. An afterthought to an otherwise exciting weekend. Something to simply trudge through on your way to better things ahead. I was his Monday girl.”

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