Joy Ride by Lauren Blakely

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 Joy Ride by Lauren Blakely, the fifth book in the Big Rock Series, is a fun and sexy enemies to lovers to romance novel that you'll fall in love with.
Joy Ride by Lauren Blakely
Series: Big Rock #5

Released May 1, 2017

Let’s be honest, ladies. A good man is a lot like the perfect car. You want a hot body, an engine that purrs, and superior performance under the hood…for the best joy ride of your life.

I’m at your service. Ready to go all night long.

But then a wildly sexy brunette appears in my life and throws a wrench in all my plans. She’s fiery, she’s talented, she’s gorgeous, and I’d really like to know what makes her engine hum.

Henley also happens to be my biggest rival, and now we’re forced to work together every day on the most important custom car build of my career. The trouble is I can’t quite figure out if she wants to kick me in the lug nuts or beg me to give her a good, hard fuel injection. Until one night that question is answered on the hood of a sports car when she calls out my name three times. And we can’t seem to put on the brakes.

If sleeping with the enemy is a bad idea, how much more dangerous would it be to fall in love with her?

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Another Lauren Blakely classic. Joy Ride is exactly what you come to expect from Lauren.

Well written.
Very little angst.
Hot Hero.

Joy Ride pretty much follows the same formula as her other books in this series. It’s very well written and I enjoyed it, I finished it within a day, I just didn’t see anything that really set it apart from other books within this genre. While I really liked this book, nothing really set it over the top and into the WOW you need this book category for me. Good book, and if have read Lauren’s books before and enjoy them and really get off to them then you will really dig this book, because it is exactly what you come to expect from Lauren in this series. You will get to hang out with past characters and reminisce past stories a tiny bit. 

The only reason I am giving Joy Ride, a well-written, charming story 4 stars is because I felt it was predictable and went along with the same premise as the rest of the books in this series.

I hope you enjoy the ride.

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